Supervision & mentoring for Social Workers, Community Workers and students in the health + community sector.

When I started my career as a Social Worker 15-years ago, I made the naive assumption that high-quality supervision with a skilled and experienced health professional would be a workplace non-negotiable. Over my own career I began to realise how rare it was to find a good supervisor.

What do I mean by good you ask?

Good supervision moves past the standard box-ticking accountability exercise.

Good supervision provides you with a dedicated space to process, reflect and get clarity.

Good supervision is a place where you can learn about yourself and discover what you need to feel aligned in your work.

Good supervision connects you back to your purpose and vision.

Good supervision protects against burnout.

When you find a good supervisor who is genuinely invested in your career, hard days, weeks and months on the job are all the more manageable.

Having supervision with a skilled professional who is not employed by your organisation can also offer more freedom to speak your truth without fear of repercussion.

I provide supervision that is informed by 15 years of experience working as a Social Worker in health, government, community and NFP settings. With particular expertise in disability, LGBTIQ+ health, mental health, project management, co-design and evaluation.

If you want to find out more about my supervision services, please fill out the form below and I will be in touch within 2 business days.